Sunday, January 10, 2010

Peculiar People Day

Ah the peculiar people in our life...we all have them and when you think about them they make our lives so much more interesting and exciting.  Some are friends, some are family and many are co-workers (not mine of course!).  Who ever they are today is a day to celebrate them and reflect on why they make your life better!

To me, I think we're all peculiar (myself included), and I'm happy about that!  When I think of all of my close friends there's not an "average" or "normal" one in the bunch.  They all have dynamic personalities with their own unique style.  They truly make my life so much more exciting and entertaining which makes me feel very lucky!

So today, which peculiar people in your life will you celebrate?

My Hubby, he is known to make VERY peculiar faces in pictures!

My 3 favorite ladies from college, Heather, Amber and Kadie 
So peculiarly wonderful!

My sister-in-law, Jamie, we bring out the most peculiar in each other!

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